The Student Year
Circle of the Star is interviewing students to begin classes February 9, 2020. If you are interested in studying with Circle of the Star, please email rae-circleofthestar@outlook.com to request an interview.
The purpose of the student year is to become familiar with the Wiccan path, to learn basic ritual and craft skills, and to see if becoming an initiate is right for you.
If accepted as a student you can expect to complete the following classes in your first year:
Orientation to the Tradition
History of Witchcraft
Ethics & What is the Craft
The Goddess
The Lunar Cycle
The God
The Wheel of the Year (or Solar Cycle)
The Elements & Correspondences
Ritual Craft
Meeting all student requirements requires 10-20 hours of meetings (generally on Sunday evenings in the Dallas/Fair Park area), plus 5-10 hours of homework, per month.
If you complete all student classes and dedicate yourself to the path of Wicca, then you may be invited to initiate as a fellow Witch. If you initiate, you will participate in higher-level classes and practicums to deepen your practice while acting as a teacher and role model for those that come behind you.